About This Site

This is a new site, there will be changes from time to time. Your helpful comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.

It is our desire to encourage all to study the Scriptures and rely on the instruction of the Holy Spirit. [John 16:13]

This site is intended to help you grow in His grace and knowledge.

May you find joy in your search for truth. May the Creator give you peace as you trust and obey His instruction.

All glory and honor belong to our soon coming King and Savior, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).

On this website you may find a variety of forms used for God's Name. Scripture verses are shown with the names used in the Bible version cited. You may find different forms used throughout this site depending on the author and context.

We strive to present articles of value. Articles re-posted from other sources are posted with permission without alteration. Therefore some articles may contain statements not necessarily supported by this site.