ISSUE: #38 |
MEM(Messianic Email Message)Psalms 119:97 - 104 | |
For His Glory!
Message |
Are you Jesus?The last issue we wrote about suffering. How we or others may be suffering for righteousness sake. We are now entering the Passover / Unleavened Bread season. It is a time when we need to review the Passover story (Exodus 12) when Israel was delivered out of bondage by the mighty hand of YHVH. We need to compare it to the coming of our Savior, Yeshua the Messiah. If one is careful he will see the close parallels between the choosing and examining of the lamb at the first Passover and the Lamb of God. As Israel was spared by the blood of the sacrificial lamb in Egypt and delivered from bondage we too have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God. We too have been delivered from the bondage of sin and this world (Satan’s realm). Partaking of the elements of the new covenant in Yeshua we may have the very law of YHVH written on the fleshly tablets of our heart (Jeremiah 31). Those laws, and that covenant, are the very Word of God. With it written on our inner existence we should then produce the outer likeness of the living Word of God. When we examine ourselves: 1 Corinthians 11:28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. Let us see if we are reflecting our Savior. A simple story was sent to me that illustrates this point; let us ask Yeshua to help us search our inner being for anything that might stand in the way of perfecting our relationship with Him and others. Then ask Him to remove and forgive all hindrances that might blur His likeness in our life. .....Could I be mistaken for Jesus? A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago. They had assured their wives that they would be home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time for their nearly missed boarding. All but one. He paused, took a deep breath, got in touch with his feelings, and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned. He told his buddies to go on without him, waved goodbye, told one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal where the apples were all over the terminal floor. He was glad he did. The 16 year old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her, no one stopping and no one to care for her plight. The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put Them back on the table and helped organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket. When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, "Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you okay?" she nodded through her tears. He continued on with, "I hope we didn't spoil your day too badly." As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, "Mister....." He paused and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, "Are you Jesus?" He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered. Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and bouncing about in his soul: "Are you Jesus?" Do people mistake us for Jesus? That's our destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus that people cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a world (shopping, working, reacting to others that are serving us) that is blind to His love, life and grace. If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as He would. Knowing Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going to church. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day. We are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have been bruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me up on a hill called Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit. Let us live like we are actually worth the price He paid. ---(Author Unknown)Keep us, Lord, O keep us cleaving
Galatians 4:19 My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you- |
Proverb |
Proverbs 1: 10 My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent. Proverbs 1: 23 "Turn to my reproof, Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Proverbs 1: 33 "But he who listens to me shall live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil." |
Saying (s) |
From "Life’s Little Instruction Book" H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Would Yeshua reflect the above traits? |
Bible Quiz |
Humility |
He (Yeshua), teaches us where true humility begins and finds its strength - in the knowledge that it is God who works all in all, that our place is to yield to Him, in perfect resignation and dependence, in full consent to be and to do nothing of ourselves. Andrew Murray Andrew Murray in his book, "Humility," points to Yeshua (Jesus) as our perfect example of humility. His death on the tree is a perfect example of yielding Himself to the Father. Yeshua paid for the debt of sin (death) the sinless Lamb of God. When we accept Yeshua as our Savior, we are covered by His blood. Therefore the penalty of death is paid for. We are redeemed, bought with a price. We owe all to Him, He is our Master. That is why Andrew Murray says, "… to be and do nothing of ourselves." Just as Yeshua came to do the will of the Father, we must also. Yeshua said, "I do nothing on my own" (John 8:28). So we should do nothing on our own. The indwelling Messiah must be portrayed through our life - "… yet not My will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42). "… we are to rest in the Holy Spirit, believing him to fulfill the work of making us more like Christ." David Wilkerson |
Did you know: |
Lighter Side |
The old sea Captain was quizzing a young naval student. "What steps would you take if a sudden storm came up on the starboard?" "I’d throw out an anchor, sir." "What would you do if another storm sprang up aft?" "I’d throw out another anchor, sir." "But what if a third storm sprang up forward?" "I’d throw out another anchor, sir." "Just a minute, son," said the captain. "Where in the world are you getting all these anchors?" "From the same place you’re getting all your storms."
At our seder, we had whole wheat and bran matzah, fortified with Metamucil. The brand name, of course, is "Let My People Go". |
Children’s Story |
Making a Deal When Pierre arrived at the Hatah village, he looked for Mea or Rimin. They could help him translate his mission to the village elders. It was now early afternoon, during the hottest hours of the day the villagers would be resting in the shade, under the thatched roof of the central compound. There they would listen to the stories from elders while leisurely working on various crafts; energetic young children darting to and fro among the adults. It was there he found Rimin. Some of the small children followed Pierre and Rimin as they ambled to the shade of a palm tree that sloped toward the sea. In the shade of the tree they were protected from heat of the high sun. Pierre was having difficulty trying to get Rimin to understand how he wanted to learn the trade of pearl shell carving. He tried to convey to Rimin that he would, in return, teach them how to raise chickens, plus dive for their treasured Silver-lipped Oyster. After much effort, gesturing and using his limited words of the Hatah language, Pierre realized he was not getting very far. It would be easier teaching him English so they could communicate. This idea quickly formed in his mind, this may be the opportunity he had prayed about. Not that English grammar was his strong point; but this could help position the Hatahs for future economic growth. He felt confident his mother could help in the grammar area when it became necessary. Pierre began to change his approach, from one of frustration to a calm tone of instruction. Soon a few more joined their small group under the tree. Slowly he realized this is what some of the other villagers also wanted as they tried to repeat the English words. Removing the necklace from around Rimin’s neck, he would point to the carved items repeating the English equivalent to his impromptu class. Then Pierre spoke a few Hatah words with their English word. Through this method he indicated by phantom carving with his knife, he pointed to himself - then to an older man known for his skill in carving. Mea had joined them shortly before, she understood Pierre’s plan; with her face beaming she nodded her head in agreement and became the spokesperson for Pierre. By now the sun had started to sink low enough to cast long shadows from the other palms. As a cool gentle breeze began to blow from the ocean there had gathered about twenty Hatah villagers around. Soon a deal was struck. Pierre would teach English and dive for the Silver-lipped Oyster. The tribal leader Hittu, would have his son Hitiny, a master craftsman, teach Pierre mother-of-pearl carving. Making such a deal as this required a covenant type ceremony. There was dancing and singing, with feasting. The main event came when there was an exchange of cherished items between the individuals. Hitiny gave Pierre an elaborately carved mother-of-pearl bracelet. Pierre struggled with his emotions as he gave Hitiny his cherished pouch that contained his trusted knife. The knife handle was inlaid with mother-of-pearl also. By now the sun was almost set and Pierre would have to hustle to get home before it was too late. Thanking everyone, Pierre began to run over the high path. Thankfully there was a full moon tonight helping to light the way. Pierre had already indicated to his mother that he might be late tonight so she would not be overly concerned. His returning home allowed him to praise his Father in Heaven and thank Him for His guidance. This seemed the perfect start for his plan to learn and serve. |
Quiz Answers |
1.They were dressed in white - Acts 1:10-11 2. Micah - Micah 3:2 3. Jerusalem - 1 Kings 11:42 4. Faith - Hope - Love (Charity) - 1 Corinthians 13:13 5. He became leprous - 1 Kings 5:20-27 6. 100 and 90 - Genesis 17:17 7. Yeshua (Jesus) - Matthew 26:39 |
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