The Armor of God
How does one put on the armor of God? A short study of Ephesians 6:10-18
Bible Software
An introduction and screenshots to a free computer Bible program called Online Bible.
Bible Study Forum
An outline on how to start your own Bible study/reading forum.
Are You Blessed?
Learn how to look at blessings from Yeshua's perspective. A short study of Matthew 5:3-12
Fully becoming the body of Yeshua
Understanding the body of Yeshua, and the role we play in it.
Real Christianity
Modern Christians have gotten out of touch with what it is like to be a Christian as defined by the Bible. Many commands listed as improper Christian conduct in the Bible are not even looked upon as sins to most Christians today. Read this article to learn how you can be more of a real Christian and less of a hypocrite.
Deeper Spring Cleaning
A discussion on cleaning for the days of Unleavened Bread and going deeper than just surface cleaning.
Core Matters
Examining ourselves more than skin deep is important. This short article draws some parallels with a rotten tree and being hypocritical.
Covenants of God with Israel
Is the Old Covenant God made with Israel still valid for us today.
Are you easily deceived?
What is your desire?
Encouragement in YHVH (God) and His Word.
Is God real? Is His word accurate? How will trials affect us?
FAITH (a scriptural examination)
A look at Faith, starting with a biblical definition, how we obtain and use it and its importance.
The Festivals of the Lord
Learn about the feast days of the Lord and how they can teach us more about our Creator.
Keeping the Feasts (1-2-3)
The Biblical Feast Days, are they for us today? It is as simple as: 1-2-3
Learn about forgiveness and how forgiving others is crucial to receiving forgiveness. A guide to forgiving others is included.
What is the Grace of God?
Is grace more than the pardon of our sins? What does humility and faith have to do with grace?
Why Celebrate Hanukkah?
Is Hanukkah important for us today? Even if we are not Jewish? Learn about Hanukkah from God's perspective.
Heaven and Hell
What happens when we die? Where do we go? See what the Bible says about these matters.
My Sheep Hear My Voice
Some of the ways the Master has communicated with those written about in His Word. But also holding out the promise of us hearing His voice also. Are we His sheep? What hinders us from hearing Him? Or what hinders Him from hearing us? Our Savior is desirous to communicate with us.
Holiness, what is it and how can we achieve it?
How great is our need for humility? Can we have a Godly humility today?
What is your identity? Do you have any hope? What is your future? Read this encouraging article on your true identity in Yeshua.
Modern Idols
Are there modern Idols around today? Do modern Christians have Idols as mentioned in the 10 commandments? Read “Modern Idols” and find out what traps there are in our present world that can lead us away from God.
John 13-17
An inline Bible study / commentary on John 13-17
Kingdom of God
What is the Kingdom of God? Who can enter? When will His Kingdom come? This article answers these questions and more from God's Word.
What is the Kingdom of God? (#2 indepth)
The Kingdom of God – We are told to pray for it to come. What do we know for sure about the Kingdom? Is the Kingdom mentioned in the Old Testament?
What Laws are fulfilled?
Many Christians today feel the "laws" of the "Old Testament" have been fulfilled by our Messiah (Christ) based on various scriptures from the "New Testament". Let’s look into these scriptures and see what they really say to us.
The Name of Our Creator
What name(s) should we use for God? Is it important? Learn about the Hebraic names of God.
Examining the events in the book of Numbers and learning an important lesson on how we speak of others.
Obey the Lord that it may be well with you.
Are we to obey the commands of God found in the Bible? Are His laws done away with? Are there reasons to keep God's law? What does the Bible really teach on this matter?
Examining the sin of Offences in differences.
A quick look at 2 scripture passages with emphasis on not causing offense to others because of our differences.
Our Own Way
Are the things we do, like Christmas or Easter, to honor YHVH (God), or to honor ourselves?
Who is the God of the Old Testament?
Discover who the God of the Old Testament really is.
Have you longed for and desired ‘Rest’ and ‘Peace’?
Prayer is more than asking.
A mini study on the word prayer.
Prayer Request Forum
An outline on how to start your own online prayer request/testimony forum.
Preach the Gospel
What does it mean to "Preach the Gospel unto all the world"?
Prophets of God - A call to Repentance
Are there true prophets of God out there today? If so how can we tell?
Is there a Pre-Tribulation rapture?
It is all about Relationship.
Is God real to you? Does God seem at a distance? Would you like to improve your relationship with God? "It's All About Relationship": A 4-part series that delves into how to improve your relationship with our Heavenly father. Learn how you can make a difference in your life through drawing closer to God.
What does it mean to repent?
Does the Bible speak of more than one resurrection?
Is righteousness important? How can I be righteous? Is there more than one type of righteousness?
An Examination of the Sabbath
Looks at the Biblical commands for the Sabbath and importance for its observance. Our we keeping it Holy?
Statements from church leaders about the Sabbath
Yeshua = Salvation
A look at a set of Bible verses showing that Yeshua (aka Jesus) is the only means to salvation / eternal life.
Seek YHVH (the LORD)
First we examine if and why we should seek YHVH, then we look at different ways of how, including going to the next level of seeking.
Bond Servant
How to be true bond servants to our master by the examples in God's Word.
A Message from Simon.
This article goes along with assuring we are on track for the higher calling in Yeshua. Be challenged by what Peter writes. It will help you understand what grace is all about.
Law of Sin
Using a prop of a ball to demonstrate the law of gravity and relating it to the law of sin.
Secret Sins- When things go wrong!
Are sins separating us from YHVH?
What is a stumbling-block? Are we being one to those around us? This short article examines the importance of not being a stumbling-block.
Surrendering Our Marriages to YHWH
In marriage, we may sometimes find ourselves hurt and discouraged. In today's society, we see relationships dissolve in bitterness all the time. When we face difficulty in marriage, we have a choice to make. Either give up on the relationship or give it all up to YHWH. Are you weary in your marriage or do you know someone who is? For encouragement read this article.
Hebrew / English cross reference for some common terms.
A Testimony of Forgiving
An article written by a sister who shares her heart and testimony about her walk. Does Yahweh have instructions for us? Is the Sabbath and Feast Days important?
Dealing with our Thoughts and Words, a practical application.
Do our words bring life? Do we receive what ever we ask for? Could part of the problem be with our own tongue?
The Torah is Not the Law posted with permission by Mark R. Ensign (PDF version)
The Torah is Not the Law but the loving instructions of our Heavenly Father that he asks us to be obedient to because we love him and so that we will be blessed by doing them. This explains how church leaders and Judaism changed the Torah from loving instructions into harsh law.
Obey the Torah (PDF) posted with permission by Mark R. Ensign
The Key to YHVH's Blessings. A follow up to Marks study above.
There were these Two Trees…
Understand why there is no unity in the church today. Why there are problems in our own life. Learn the truth about the seeds from the two trees in the garden.
The Two Trees in the Garden
Adam and Eve chose to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. As a result we are born with Adam’s nature of choosing for our selves what is right and wrong. Find out how our human reasoning can seem so right and yet be so wrong. Find out why we need to make wise decisions based from God’s Word.
Take Joy in Trials
How can anyone find Joy in the midst of a trial? Is there any good in trials?
Where are the lost Tribes of Israel? by Yair Davidi
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
What to do in times of Trouble...
Do we trust only in ourselves, do we rely on guns, run to doctors, or perhaps the government? Does the Bible offer any guidance?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
What is Truth?
How do we find it?
The Need for Wisdom
How can we get wisdom?
His Eternal Word
Does Yahweh's word change?
The Words of My Mouth
Should we worry about what we say? What does the Bible say about the words we speak?
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